Τhe European Union’s Erasmus Program promotes mobility of students to other European countries for studies in higher education and/or work training (see http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/erasmus_en.htm). Students can be enrolled in undergraduate, postgraduate or doctoral programs and can participate both for courses as well as practical training.
Τhe Erasmus/Studies program
Τhe Erasmus/studies program offers scholarships for a period of 3 to 12 months for visits to another European university. This is, however, possible only if bilateral agreements have been signed between the academic staff of the DECE with universities abroad.
Details on the right and prerequisites to participation, length of stay and recognition of courses followed abroad are provided in the Student Guide. An announcement on the universities in which they can participate, the number of positions open in each one as well as the selection process is typically made in the beginning of the spring term.
For further information contact the Department of European and International Relations of the University of Athens at 30 Panepistimiou St., Monday to Friday 11:00 – 13:00, tel: 210-3689713-6, fax: 210-3689720, email: socrates@interel.uoa.gr, as well as through the University of Athens website www.interel.uoa.gr/erasmus.
The Erasmus/Placement Program
The Placement Program supports mobility for work training in enterprises, research centres and other organizations. The Program’s objective is to offer a chance for work experience in the student’s area of studies and for acquaintance with the economic and cultural conditions of other European countries. The amount of financial support depends on the country visited. The training ranges from 3 to 6 months.
In order to participate students must seek an organization themselves and send a short CV to them describes their area of specialization. If they are accepted, they can then apply for the training grant after a formal call by the Department of European and International Relations of the University of Athens, (Erasmus Office, 30 Panepistimiou St). Further information at: http://www.interel.uoa.gr/erasmus/sp/pm.html